e-mail: cdilek[at]
phone: (312) 210 2626
office: D - 106
B.Sc. Middle East Technical University, Chemical Engineering, Turkey
M.Sc. Middle East Technical University, Chemical Engineering, Turkey
Ph.D. Wayne State University, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, USA
Post-Doc Georgia Institute of Technology, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, USA
Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics II
Heat and Mass Transfer
Separation Processes
Research Interest:
Phase equilibria, thermodynamics and transport properties of multicomponent systems
Supercritical/Nearcritical-fluid processing (Metal and ceramic debinding, coating, microporous and nanoporous polymeric foams)
Environmentally benign separations using tunable solvents (Gas-expanded liquids, supercritical fluids) and reversible ionic liquids
Recovery of value-added products from waste streams and renewable feedstocks

Selected Publications

Last Updated:
15/02/2022 - 15:13