M.S. Program Objectives


The M.S. graduates of the METU Chemical Engineering Department


  • actively participate in the execution and realization of R&D projects.
  • function as team leaders in chemical engineering applications and processes.
  • are preferred in businesses that provide chemical and engineering products and services.
  • are accepted into Ph.D. programs of prestigious national and international colleges and universities.
  • are distinguished by their entrepreneurship.

M.S. Outcomes


The M.S. graduates of the METU Chemical Engineering Department


  • Acquire knowledge in depth and breadth via scientific research in their field; evaluate, interpret and apply this knowledge.


  • Are thoroughly informed about current techniques and methods of engineering, and their limitations.


  • Complement and apply uncertain, limited or incomplete knowledge using scientific methods; are capable of integrating knowledge from different disciplines.


  • Are aware of the new and developing applications of their profession; can study and learn about these applications when necessary.


  • Can define and formulate problems relevant to their field, develop solutions to solve these problems and employ innovative methods for these solutions.


  • Develop new and/or original ideas and methods; design complex processes and develop innovative/alternative solutions in design.


  • Design and apply theoretical, experimental and model-based research; analyze and resolve complex problems that arise during this process.


  • Can effectively function within intra- and interdisciplinary teams, can lead such teams and formulate solution approaches under complex situations; can work independently and assume responsibility.


  • Can communicate verbally or in written form in a non-native language, at least at level B2 of the European Language Portfolio.


  • Can communicate the progress and results of their studies systematically and clearly in oral or written form, in national or international forums related to their area or others.


  • Are informed and aware of the limitations of social, environmental, health and safety-related and legal dimensions on engineering applications.


  • Uphold social, scientific and ethical values in acquisition, interpretation and communication of data and in all activities related to their profession.



Ph.D. Program Objectives


The Ph.D. graduates of the METU Chemical Engineering Department


  • develop, manage and execute R&D projects.
  • assume leadership in original and advanced industrial applications of their profession.
  • are employed as faculty members and teaching staff in national and international colleges and universities. 
  • are distinguished by their entrepreneurship in their careers.

Ph.D. Program Outcomes


The Ph.D. graduates of the METU Chemical Engineering Department


  • Acquire knowledge in depth and breadth, including the latest developments, via scientific research in their field; evaluate, interpret and apply this knowledge by utilizing basic and engineering sciences and mathematics at the highest level


  • Perform comprehensive studies to develop a new scientific method that brings about novelty to science and engineering, or a technological product/process, or to apply a known scientific method to a new field


  • Complement and apply, at the highest level, uncertain, limited or incomplete knowledge using scientific methods; are capable of integrating knowledge from different disciplines


  • Are aware of the new and developing applications of their profession; can study and learn about these applications when necessary


  • Can define and formulate problems relevant to their field, develop solutions to solve these problems and employ innovative methods for these solutions


  • Develop new and/or original ideas and methods; design complex processes and develop innovative/alternative solutions in design


  • Independently design, apply, and bring to completion, an original research process; manages this process


  • Can effectively function within intra- or interdisciplinary teams, can lead such teams and formulate solution approaches under complex situations; can work independently and assume responsibility


  • Can communicate verbally or in written form in a non-native language, at least at level C1 of the European Language Portfolio


  • Contribute to scientific and technological literature by publishing the output of their academic studies in respected academic media


  • Are informed and aware of the limitations of social, environmental, health and safety-related and legal dimensions on engineering applications


  • Uphold social, scientific and ethical values in acquisition, interpretation and communication of data and in all activities related to their profession

Last Updated:
27/03/2019 - 17:25