Year Lowest Point Highest Point Ranking of the student registered
with the lowest point
Ranking of the student registered
with the highest point
2010 493.475 530.012 19525 5226
2011 485.942 510.883 21378 10710
2012 451.561 482.721 25118 11942 
2013 419.984 468.925 25986 8138
2014 427.597 466.913 25665 10653 
2015 412.112 460.263 25553 7792
2016 443.392 479.749 24844 10001
2017 433.341 463.749 25784 12267
2018 441.430 492.060 28485 7970
2019 453.899 497.098 27917 6496
2020 483.983 517.907 26768 7836
2021 424.550 461.546 25494 7938


Entrance Requirements for Freshman

Any student who was graduated from a lycée, high school or an equivalent institution may apply to the "Interuniversity Student Selection and Placement Center" (ÖSYM) in Ankara to take the entrance examination to enter the University. Following is the address where the applications may be mailed:

Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi
ÖSYM 06533 Ankara/TURKEY
Entrance Requirements for Undergraduate Transfer Students

Students who have completed two semesters of the curriculum of a university or university-level institution may apply to be admitted to the University as transfer students with advanced standing at their second year of study or above. In order to qualify for admission, applicants must have a "B" average or its equivalent, and their previous studies must be related to the courses given at METU. Applicants having these qualifications must submit a certified transcript or equivalent documentary evidence of their academic report together with their application. If it is deemed necessary the University may give an oral and/or written examination required by the department to which the applicant wishes admittance. After having consulted with the faculty of the department concerned, the Registrar shall refer such applicants to the Administrative Board of the concerned Faculty for a final decision.



Academic Year**

Number of Graduates

Number of Incoming Students

2021 91 95
2020 108 97
2019 98 99
2018 109 110
2017 87 101
2016 106 107
2015*** 89 101
2014 105 101
2013 99 111
2012 72 115
2011 112 112
2010 89 110







** 'Academic Year term consists fall, spring and summer semesters of the year.

*** 2015 graduate student number includes only fall and summer semesters data.

Semester Total number of students****
2021-2022 Fall 746
2020-2021 Fall 755
2019-2020 Fall 739
2018-2019 Fall 755
2017-2018 Fall 755
2017-2018 Fall 769
2016-2017 Fall 755
2015-2016 Fall 756










**** English preparatory class numbers are not included.

Last Updated:
16/05/2022 - 11:58